
Telecommunications Equipment Technician

  • Observe and may assist with the installation, removal and maintenance of various telecommunications equipment and related systems such as telex and facsimile machines, teletypewriters, mobile radios, cellular telephones, pagers and other related telecommunications equipment
  • Understand the configuration of operating systems and installation software for access to the Internet
  • Exposure to methods of how to inspect and test the operation of telecommunications equipment
  • Learn how to diagnose and locate equipment faults, and adjust, replace or repair telecommunications equipment

Business Administrator’s Intern

Business Administrator
  • Learn to analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment
  • May assist with conducting research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs
  • Understand and assist with conducting assessments and proposing improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications
  • May assist with conducting quality audits and developing quality management and quality assurance standards
  • May be involved with understanding any planning related to the reorganization of the operations of an establishment
  • Understand the methods of supervision of contracted researchers or clerical staff

Accountant’s Intern

Accoutant Intern
  • Assist in planning, setting up and administering accounting systems and prepare financial information for individuals, departments within organizations, businesses and other establishments
  • Learn how to examine accounting records and prepare financial statements and reports
  • Observe and may assist with developing and maintaining cost finding, reporting and internal control procedures
  • May assist with examining financial accounts and records and prepare income tax returns from accounting records
  • Observe and assist, as required, to analyze financial statements and reports and provide financial, business and tax advice
  • May observe how accountants act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings

Business Development and Marketing Researching Assistant

Business Development and Marketing
  • Observe methods to develop policies and administer programs to promote industrial and commercial business investment in urban and rural areas
  • Learn to design market research questionnaires
  • Learn to conduct social or economic surveys on local, regional or national areas to assess development potential and future trends
  • May observe and assist with the planning of development projects and how to co-ordinate activities with representatives of a wide variety of industrial and commercial enterprises, community and business associations and government agencies
  • May observe how to assess business opportunities and develop strategies to attract venture capital
  • Recognize methods to respond to enquiries from members of the business community and general public concerning development opportunities
  • May observe how to review and evaluate commercial or industrial development proposals and provide advice on procedures and requirements for government approval
  • Assist with conducting surveys and analyzing data on the buying habits and preferences of wholesale or retail consumers
  • May assist with evaluating customer service and store environments
  • May assist with preparing reports, research papers, educational texts or articles, E-commerce strategies and providing consultation on planning and starting of new businesses

Sales and Advertising Intern

Sales and Advertising
  • Assist sales and advertising managers to plan, direct and evaluate the activities of their departments in commercial, industrial, wholesale or other non-retail establishments, which may include implementing advertising campaigns to promote the sales of products and services
  • May observe marketing managers establish distribution networks for products and services, initiate market research studies and analyze their findings, assist in product development and direct and evaluate the marketing strategies of establishments
  • Understand how E-business managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the design, development and maintenance of Internet and Intranet sites to manage an organization’s Internet presence